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Transparency matters. Employees are more motivated when they know how to move up the salary ladder: they work harder, are more incentivized, and collaborate better. But it's not just about the business' bottom line, keeping salary information secret tends to hurt those who already lack pay parity and may create an illegal pay gap.


Executive Modules on Compensation


Training and retaining talent is a top priority for growing companies. WAGER creates mini-training modules for Executive Leadership. These modules includes:  A pre-workshop survey to understand your specific work culture; a workshop or Lunch and Learn on Compensation Conversations in the Workplace”; 1:1 office hours with employees to address specific questions; and a follow-up team conversation on any overarching topics that matter most. 


Compensation Policy Reviews and Action Plans 


WAGER’s compensation experts can help comb through policies, conduct general interviews, analyze findings and suggest upgrades and implementation strategies to your current or new compensation programs.


1:1 Executive AMA (Ask Me Anything)


The simplest way to retain employees, let them feel heard and give constructive feedback and guidance. WAGER can set up monthly office hours for those conversations that executives need and want.​

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  • Workshops on Compensation Conversations in the Workforce

  • Small team training on compensation, D&I, career management

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