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We all need a little transparency right now.

There are a lot of helicopters above Brooklyn. And they're loud. To this noise, overlay the spirit of the protesters and the devastation of the pandemic...well, it's a recipe for exhaustion. But I can’t be tired. Wager has seen 3x the number of clients over the past few weeks. 75% of that increase has been women of color clients assessing our career services as well as learning negotiation skills. That motivates me. I know I need to bring my A-game. We revamped the website (go check it out!) to make it easy for clients to get help. “I had no idea that mattered in a resume.” “I never knew that about Linkedin.” “Thank you for your grace and honesty.” “I feel confident asking for more,” is what we are hearing. We take great pride in empowering our clients. Now more than ever we need salary transparency in the workplace.

And we need everyone to do their part.

Please know after the news cycle has subsided, the problems will still be here. If you want to know how to help, think of the ways you can create access to information within your own world: Salary equity (are you sharing important salary information with others), work equity (are you pushing to ensure sure your office is representative of the world we live in), and leadership equity (does your company empower all groups to grow and lead) If the answer is no or I don’t know, reach out to us. We are building our audit arm to work with organizations on thinking through these challenges. We need to collaborate.

BUT WAIT! Do you want to bring a smile to your face and know our world will be ok? Read this fabulous interview with one of our next generation leaders Leonardo Rodriguez. A few years out of graduation and 40 years wise. He’s been absorbing and synthesizing career, salary and life lessons and is ready to charge ahead but making sure all those around him go with him.

There’s a lot of work to be done. If you are tired, rest. Round two is around the corner.

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